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Are you suffering with vaginal prolapse?
Rectocele • Cystocele • Enterocele • Uterine Prolapse
How to Lift and Support Vaginal Prolapse Safely, Without Surgery
Discover how quickly you can begin to feel physical — and emotional — relief
The Prolapse Problem
“I HATE the feeling between my legs.”
“Is this just going to get worse and worse? Where does it stop?”
“It affects my self esteem, how I feel about myself.”
“I’m afraid if I poo, everything is going to fall out.”
“I’m so tired of feeling that bulge and the heaviness.”
“I just want it to go away!”
“The constant discomfort is exhausting.”
“Is it safe to have sex? (And will my partner even want me anymore?)”
“I don’t want to have to constantly think about it.”
“I’m embarrassed. I don’t want to tell people.”
“It makes me worried about the future, scared about getting older.”
“I know I don’t want surgery.”
The Prolapse Solution
Lift and support prolapse safely without surgery,
using the unique combination of approaches that is best for
to sustain the healthy and active life you want to live.
with Alyce Adams, RN, the Kegel Queen
1. Immediate Relief
Begin to relieve the heaviness and discomfort of prolapse now, so you can take a deep breath and start feeling lighter — physically and emotionally — right away.
2. Lighten, Lift, & Support
Pinpoint the harmful habits that make your prolapse worse, and discover the unique combination of prolapse support and relief options that work best for you.
3. Optimize for Life
Go beyond your pelvic health to dial in the lifestyle options, supportive health professionals, and strategies that minimize your prolapse and sustain the healthy and active life you want to live.
And if you eventually choose surgery, there’s support in this program for that too.
My confidence to deal with prolapse is much higher. I feel much more relaxed. My prolapse problem is very much in my control…
I feel like I got my life back and my fears about prolapse are subsided…
I am so glad that I participated in the program.
Thank you, Alyce! You are one of those few people who made a positive contribution in my life.
You can thrive with prolapse
I’ve seen it over and over. I see women thrive…
With every kind of pelvic organ prolapse: cystocele (prolapsed bladder), rectocele (prolapsed rectum), enterocele (small intestine), or prolapsed uterus.
At every age.
No matter how hopeless and discouraged they once were.
With mild prolapse or severe prolapse.
With a new prolapse or with a prolapse they’ve had for years.
Whether kegels change their prolapse or not.
I see women thriving who've been through surgery.
And I see women thriving who are determined they will never have surgery.
You can thrive with prolapse too.
Is the Prolapse Solution Program Right for You?
This program is NOT for you if…
This program IS for you if…
I got a lot out of this class, Alyce… I had no idea about some of these things. Thank you for showing me these things that you can do to help yourself…
When we started the class everybody was all embarrassed… by the end of the class I didn't have shame.
My anxiety is way low…You are doing groundbreaking work. Thank you.
Access the “underground” women’s health breakthroughs you won’t hear about from your doctor…
Immediate Relief
• Connect with others, so you never need to feel alone
• Ask the secret questions you can’t ask anywhere else, to ease your worries and take the mystery out of prolapse
• Discover new ways to support your prolapse physically now, so you can begin to relieve discomfort right away and start to feel normal again
Lighten, Lift, & Support
• Access the full spectrum of support options (more than just pessaries), how to use them, and the pros and cons of each. This includes supports worn inside the vagina or outside the body; prescription-only supports and off-the-shelf options; and complete, detailed pessary information for all types of prolapse — so you have support options that are comfortable and effective for you
• Uncover hidden prolapse hazards, including daily activities and exercises to avoid, so you’re not unknowingly making your prolapse worse
• Perfect your kegel technique and optimize pelvic floor function for maximum natural lift. The support you’re wearing works better, and you have maximum lift when you’re not wearing a support, so you’re as comfortable as possible at all times
Optimize for Life
• Get detailed info about how to poop, exercise, have sex, and do your favorite activities safely, in a way that protects your prolapse, so you have peace of mind
• Gain tools for a healthy prolapse lifestyle, including dos and don’ts on topics from food to chairs to heavy lifting, and more, so you’re confident that you’re doing all you can to stay safe
• Find out what kind of treatments, alignment or exercise programs, or professional services might be right for you, so your whole body — not just your pelvic floor — supports your pelvic health
16 Years and Thousands of Women
When I became the Kegel Queen in 2009, I knew nearly nothing about prolapse. Even though I had suffered with symptoms of bladder prolapse myself, I barely understood what it was or what can be done about it.
When I was suffering, all I knew was that I felt broken.
I didn’t feel like the woman I wanted to be.
I read hundreds of pages of research to create the kegel program that made my “down there” problems a thing of the past. Kegels gave me my body back, restored my confidence, and transformed my sex life. I didn’t feel broken anymore. I felt like a queen.
And then I started to teach.
Today, I’m in a completely different, and unique, position. Over 16 years, I’ve worked with thousands of women in 31 countries. Hundreds of hours of conversations. Thousands of emails and online discussions. And I’ve done my homework, reading scientific papers and medical literature, interviewing doctors and other health care providers, drop by drop soaking up information like a sponge.
I’ve come to intimately understand the unique needs of women with prolapse. To understand that women with prolapse — like you — are suffering in a unique way, and you need a unique kind of support.
You need accurate, detailed information that your doctor doesn’t have or doesn’t have time to share, that an Internet search won’t reveal, and that your friends don’t know.
You need a safe place to talk to someone who understands the fear and emotional pain of prolapse.
You need to know how to stop making prolapse worse, and start making it better.
And you need strategies for immediate relief of heaviness and discomfort, and long-term lifestyle support to help keep you safe for a lifetime.
The answer? The result of thousands of hours of learning and listening and helping women?
The Prolapse Solution Program.
Prolapse Isn’t Easy, but This Program Is.
You’ll get my 16 years of knowledge distilled into 7 easy modules. One module per week.
Each week you'll get
• In-depth video training
Detailed content, laser-focused on helping you feel better and keep feeling better
• Downloadable notes and print-friendly summaries in PDF format
Don’t worry about writing down every part of the live training, quickly get the information you need, and easily review key points
• Live Q&A with me and the group on Zoom
Intensive, personalized support for you so you get customized help and solutions every week. (Can’t attend? Submit your questions in advance and watch the recording.)
• You’ll also be invited to an exclusive private online discussion forum just for Prolapse Solution Program members, on the Kegel Queen private platform — not a public social media site.
You’ll have the option to participate anonymously, if you wish, in the live events and in the private community forum, and we’ll provide full instructions for that.
Prolapse Solution Program Overview
Weeks 1 & 2
Immediate Relief
Weeks 3 & 4
Stop Making Prolapse Worse
Weeks 5 & 6
Start Making Prolapse Better
Week 7
Optimize Pelvic Health for Life
All 7 weeks
Connection & Community in Our Own Secure, Private Online Forum
Program Objectives
Weeks 1 & 2: Immediate Relief
• You no longer feel alone
• You begin to poop without fear
• You’re not afraid to have sex
• You’re using physical support that provides relief now (without waiting to see a doctor)
• For daily activities, you use body mechanics that keep you safe
• You’re actively optimizing your pelvic floor for natural support
Weeks 3 & 4: Stop Making Prolapse Worse
• You’ve identified hidden prolapse dangers in your life and found safe alternatives
• You are a poop-without-fear ninja
• You have a clear plan for safe physical exercise
• You understand how the way you sit, stand, and walk can help or hurt your prolapse
• You know how to protect yourself when prolapse challenges like coughing or heavy lifting are unavoidable
Weeks 5 & 6: Start Making Prolapse Better
• You’re thoroughly exploring your pessary options
• You’re highly knowledgeable about pessary fitting, troubleshooting, and care
• You’re familiar with all possible options for lifting and supporting prolapse, other than pessaries
• You have a step-by-step action plan in place to help your prolapse, customized for your needs
Week 7: Optimize Pelvic Health for Life
• You’re reviewing and refining your exercise plan for maximum benefit
• If you’re considering surgery, or any medical procedure, you know the right questions to ask to maximize your safety
• You understand and practice the elements of a healthy prolapse lifestyle
I wouldn't change a thing about the program. I thought it was so amazing, and I learned so much from it. Your program gave me the courage, I really think, to first ask the questions about my diagnosis… and then it gave me all the tools I needed to be proactive with my prolapse diagnosis.
What changes I observed from the program? Well, the the main one here I was that I noticed my countenance change from a victim to an advocate, and that was really powerful for me.
The single most important aspect of the program was the peace of mind and the positive and assertive attitude I now have from your research and from the other team members’ testimonies.
And I no longer feel like I have a painful and embarrassing death sentence looming over me daily, and that's awesome. I'm so thankful for that as well.
I had really prayed that God would give me a safe and caring environment of knowledgeable women to share their wisdom and help me with my embarrassing medical condition. I'm so thankful [for] this Prolapse Solution Program. There's really an answer to prayer for me in all this. Thank you so much… it meant a lot to me.
Imagine the Future You…
Feeling lighter — physically and emotionally.
Feeling happy and positive.
Going poop without fear!
Equipped with solid information to handle medical appointments, and medical decisions.
Free from constantly thinking and worrying about your prolapse.
Physically active and doing what you love.
Feeling confident that you can feel good as you grow older.
And maybe even feeling sexy again.
Alyce Adams, RN, is the Kegel Queen.
Alyce is known as the most sought-after kegel exercise expert around the world, helping women avoid dangerous surgery and regain health and control of their body down there. She is famous for creating the Kegel Success in Minutes a Day Program, the only complete, no-devices, safe-at-home kegel exercise program created and tested by a Registered Nurse.
Alyce has shared her kegel expertise as a guest blogger for the American College of Nurse-Midwives and a guest lecturer at Bastyr University in Seattle and the University of Rochester in New York. Most recently, she has consulted with the Stanford Biodesign Fellowship at Stanford University in California.
The Kegel Queen Program has reached over
women in
countries around the world.
It's valuable on many levels… I got a lot out of it. It's just not something you find available that easily.
I want to thank you because I understand how hard it is to run a group, and you do it all so gracefully with a smile. You are so thoughtful… and you're able to set the tone where everyone [is] feeling safe and confident… you're so respectful… you're able to do that amazingly well.
I really do think you do a wonderful job of being able to connect people. And listen to everyone, no matter where they are, what they're dealing with. Thank you. I think it's important work.
Join the Prolapse Solution Program
Don’t wait — applications are open for a limited time.
Here’s What Happens When You Apply
Step 1.
Submit your application.
Step 2.
I’ll personally contact you. If your application is accepted, we’ll discuss the program. I’ll answer any questions you have, and if you and I both feel that the program is the right fit for you, I’ll help you enroll.
Step 3.
Get started feeling better!
Free Bonuses to Help You
Bonus #1: Secret Prolapse Questions FAQ Booklet
Questions about prolapse you’re too shy to ask? Or you’ve never known whom to ask? Things you feel like you should know, but you don’t? Questions you don’t want to put on the internet? This collection of ultra-personal prolapse questions and clear, easy-to-understand answers will ease your mind and give you information you truly will not find anywhere else.
Bonus #2: Guided Relaxation for Women with Prolapse
A calming, soothing audio relaxation created just for the Prolapse Solution Program by Kegel Queen Alyce. Listen for a healthy dose of peace, encouragement, and positivity. Download or stream the MP3 file.
Bonus #3: Foods for Pelvic Health Guide with Top Ten Recipes
Your food choices can promote, or harm, your pelvic health. Learn how your diet could affect your prolapse and enjoy ten of Queen Alyce’s favorite pelvic-health-friendly, delicious recipes.
Bonus #4: EXTENDED Kegel Queen Membership
You’ll receive a full additional year of Kegel Queen membership FREE as my gift. Kegel Queen membership includes Kegel Success in Minutes a Day complete instructional course, live monthly Q&A, Support & Sharing meetings, library of original Kegel Queen women’s health articles, and more.
Your investment in the Prolapse Solution Program is fully refundable within 30 days of purchase.
And even if you request a refund, you can keep the bonuses.
I personally guarantee your satisfaction.
You’re either feeling 100% confident and in control that you are on the path to reclaiming your freedom as a woman or you get 100% of your money back.
It’s that simple: Not happy? Request your refund within 30 days of purchase and you get your money back, period.
That’s the Kegel Queen’s Royal Guarantee.
Join the Prolapse Solution Program
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Prolapse Solution Program Topics, Week by Week
Week 1: Immediate Relief
- A daily activity to minimize prolapse
- Emotional first aid
- Non-prescription supports: internal & external
- Optimize bowel health & elimination, part 1
- Overcoming fear of physical intimacy
- Tracking prolapse & factors affecting it, to minimize harmful daily activities
Week 2: Immediate Relief
- Is your kegel practice working for you? (Not kegel technique)
- Do you have the right doctor(s)?
- Body mechanics, part 1
- Bladder emptying
- Daily tracking, phase 2
Week 3: Stop Making Prolapse Worse
- Body mechanics deep dive
Week 4: Stop Making Prolapse Worse
- Bowel health & elimination, part 2
- How to exercise safely
Week 5: Start Making Prolapse Better
- Extensive pessary info including
- Checklists for fitting visit, new pessary, home care, & followup medical visit
- Possible risks and complications, and how to minimize and recognize them
- Vaginal care products (e.g. lubricants, moisturizers, & others)
Week 6: Start Making Prolapse Better
- Physical therapy: why, when, who, cost, questions to ask a practitioner
- Arvigo Therapy: why, when, who, cost, questions to ask a practitioner
- Traditional Chinese Medicine: why, when, who, cost, questions to ask a practitioner
- Hypopressive Exercises: why, when, who, cost, questions to ask a practitioner
- The surgery decision process
Week 7: Optimize Pelvic Health for Life
- How to minimize harm when you have a cough
- Body weight
- Promoting connective tissue health
For Linda, one of the most significant benefits of the Prolapse Solution Program was that she gained the knowledge and confidence to start using different types of internal supports. Linda says it’s a game changer.
The benefits have been amazing.
I couldn't even go for a walk. Last summer I was on the couch, I could only do a few things and I'd sit and sit…Otherwise, I was so uncomfortable.
I couldn't even play golf this year. We went to Florida with my daughter and my daughter-in-law, and the grandkids. They wanted to go places. I couldn't go with them. I couldn't even go in the store then and go shopping.
I went to a bunch of weddings, but I couldn't even dance. My husband and I, we always loved to dance. We're usually on the dance floor the whole night. And I could barely do a couple songs.
But now, I can do everything.
And this winter, planning on going skiing with my grandchildren. I can do everything now that I couldn't do last year.
All your tips were great. I don't know how you can make the program better. I would definitely recommend it. It's well worth it.
This program has just been a life saver for me. I am so much better. I'm just so happy. I can't thank you enough.
What If You Just Stay Stuck?
Of course, you could choose not to apply.
But what would that cost you?
How many more days? months? years? are you willing to keep suffering?
How many frustrating medical appointments are you willing to endure without knowing how to advocate for yourself?
How many more times are you willing to sit on the toilet afraid that your insides will fall out?
How much of your precious time are you willing to waste on thinking and worrying about your prolapse?
How much longer will you choose shame and embarrassment over confidence and relief?
My friend, the choice is yours.
If you want to
Lift and support prolapse safely without surgery
so you can
STOP being afraid
STOP thinking about prolapse all the time
START feeling like a normal, healthy person again
…these are your 3 steps:
1. Get Immediate Relief
Begin to relieve the heaviness and discomfort of prolapse now, so you can take a deep breath and start feeling lighter — physically and emotionally — right away.
2. Lighten, Lift, & Support
Pinpoint the harmful habits that make your prolapse worse, and discover the unique combination of prolapse support and relief options that work best for you.
3. Optimize for Life
Go beyond your pelvic health to dial in the lifestyle options, supportive health professionals, and strategies that minimize your prolapse and sustain the healthy and active life you want to live.
Tired of struggling with prolapse alone?
Join me and discover your prolapse solution.
I found the program to be very, very beneficial.
It's opened my eyes to all the different possibilities there are out there for taking care of myself, my prolapse and I just think the the education that you gave this was so invaluable…
I have more information now, more knowledge to be able to
to calm myself down, and to ease the stress…
I think for me the single, most important aspect of this whole program was the connectedness that we had with the other ladies [that] I really really enjoyed…
Any other women that are looking into this program, I would definitely say, go for it because you're missing out on a lot of information. I think it's invaluable… I definitely say that it's something that everybody should look into.
Apply to Join the Prolapse Solution Program Today
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