Frequently Asked Questions
Women are never too old for kegels. The body can build muscle mass, strength, and control at any age.
Some older women may be too unwell for kegels, if they are frail or cognitively challenged; health is a factor, but age alone is never a factor.
Yes. With severe prolapse, complete disappearance of the prolapse is unlikely, but correct kegel technique can improve prolapse and relieve symptoms by creating better anatomical support for the prolapse.
Correct kegel technique increases the muscle mass and muscle tone of the pelvic floor, and makes the urogenital hiatus — a natural gap in the muscle — smaller. These muscle changes create better support for the pelvic organs.
Yes. Kegels will benefit different women differently depending on the cause of incontinence, and whether there’s any muscle or nerve damage involved. But even severe incontinence can improve, particularly if stress incontinence is the cause.
Yes. Women in the Kegel Queen Program have seen improvement with each type of pelvic organ prolapse: cystocele, rectocele, enterocele, and prolapsed uterus.
Yes. Women in the Kegel Queen Program have seen prolapse and incontinence improve with correct kegel technique regardless of whether they’ve previously had surgery.
Absolutely. For women preparing for surgery, correct kegel technique has powerful benefits. Kegels increase circulation to the pelvic floor, which may increase circulation to the surgical site as well, depending on the procedure. Kegels optimize anatomical support, to help the pelvic organs stay in their correct position after surgery. And kegels help to minimize urinary incontinence, which is often an unwanted outcome of pelvic surgery.
Yes. Kegel Queen members who have seen excellent physical therapists find that the program enhances the benefits of PT and provides valuable additional training. Kegel Queen members who have seen not-very-excellent PTs find that the program provides essential training and knowledge they did not receive in PT.
Most women who use a pessary are able to practice kegel exercises with a pessary in place, and many women find that wearing a pessary can make kegels easier. If the pessary is poorly fitted, or if it is a “space occupying” pessary such as a donut or cube, some women may find that the pessary makes it difficult to do a full pelvic floor muscle contraction.
*Please note: Different women get different results. Some names of Kegel Queen members quoted here have been changed to protect privacy.
Alyce Adams, RN, is the Kegel Queen®
Alyce is known as the most sought-after kegel exercise expert around the world, helping women avoid dangerous surgery and regain health and control of their body down there. She is famous for creating the Kegel Success in Minutes a Day Program, the only complete, no-devices, safe-at-home kegel exercise program created and tested by a Registered Nurse.
The Kegel Queen busts the kegel myths that hold women back — even if they've learned from a doctor, physical therapist, or childbirth teacher. With Real Kegels That Really Work™, women reverse pelvic prolapse, stop urinary incontinence, and have the most amazing sex of their lives — with no annoying and inconvenient kegel devices, no drugs, and no ineffective and dangerous surgery. The Kegel Queen Program has reached over
women in
countries around the world. Find out how to do one perfect kegel, and get started today!
Your Next Easy Step
Check out the Kegel Queen's new webinar: How to Lift Prolapse and Stop Incontinence Without Drugs and Without Surgery: The 3 Must-Have Keys for Success
You'll find out how to do one perfect kegel, the first step to doing kegels right. Get started today!